Unforgiveness is nothing more than spiritual laziness. Yeah ...I said it. We tell ourselves if someone behaved in a different manner we would be more happy. That is complete BS...what does anyone else's behavior have to do with my inner world?
When we are in touch with our inner light...our OWN happiness that comes from within...everyone get's taken off of the cross...everyone is off of the hook. You know why? Because we were mistaken by ever putting our happiness into someone else's hands....where it DIDN'T belong...in the first place.
I am unhappy because this one said this or this one did that is a BIG FAT LIE. We are unhappy because we never truly learned to LIVE and find out where REAL unshakable happiness is WITHIN.
What if in finding our inner happiness... no one else's behavior could ever bum us out again?! WOW....talk about freedom!!! What if our encounters with others became STRICLTY about play, fun and appreciation and when we found ourselves out of that state of mind we STOPPED blaming other people?
Someone not speaking to you? Someone behaving in a less than loving manner? Someone seemingly thoughtless? Someone cheating? Someone didn't pay you back? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Stay in your own garden....TEND TO YOUR OWN GARDEN (state of mind).
It's a journey...a happy one...we fall to dust off and continue on. We cut our selves slack and soothe ourselves when we loose our way...we treat OURSELVES like a beloved friend, child, or lover.