Saturday, February 28, 2015

Giving Up Grains Day 24

1 cup chickpea flour, two cups water, pinch sea salt, fry like a pancake in coconut oil.
 Man...I want to make sure I have a record of this...this has been NO easy task.  The first few days of giving up grains my tummy was so swollen I look like I was 7 mos pregnant.  The bloating and swelling has been off and on for the entire process.  Today was the first day I was able to really workout at the gym.  I exercised for an hour and did 3-4 miles.  I was strong...I don't know the exact mileage because the machine resets when I go to pee.  I am anemic and on the mend so this is VERY strong for me.
I gave up grains for many reasons, but what tipped the scales was being out dancing and my tummy feeling bloated.  I thought enough is thing you know a friend gave up grains and the next day I did too.
I have had dry mouth...thirst...intense hunger...strong emotions...mostly sadness...headaches...foggy brain....moodiness...EXHAUSTION...the works! There is not much written about this process so I wanted to remember to write it all down. 
I have no idea where this journey is taking me, but I will be writing it all down.  Today at day 24 I jogged off and on at a higher speed on the treadmill than I have in years.
I am really enjoying smoothies with bananas, dates and coconut oil.  I love raw fruit and have been eating tons of veggies...cooked and raw...baked potatoes....baked sweet potatoes...nuts...seeds...hummus.  I am not at a loss about what to body just wanted grains BAD and felt like crap getting used to the idea of not having them.  It has been a big psychological challenge...I have been letting myself eat like crazy when I wanted to, but now my appetite is calming way down.
Here's to the journey. XO  

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Happiness. Really?

Healing And Wholeness

To heal is to make happy. I told you once to think how many opportunities you have to gladden yourselves, and how many you have refused. This is exactly the same as telling you that you have refused to heal yourselves. The light that belongs in you is the light of joy. Randiance is not associated with sorrow. Depression is often contagious, but although it may affect those who come in contact with it, they do not yield to its influence wholeheartedly. But joy calls for the an integrated willingness to share in it, and thus promotes the mind’s natural impulse to RESPOND AS ONE.
Those who attempt to heal without being wholly joyous themselves call forth different kinds of responses at the same time, and thus deprive others of the joy of responding wholeheartedly. To be wholehearted, you MUST be happy. If fear and love cannot coexist, and if it is impossible to be wholly fearful and remain alive, then the only possible whole state IS that of love. There is no difference between love and joy. Therefore, the only possible whole state IS the wholly joyous.
To heal, or to make joyous, is therefore the same as to integrate and MAKE ONE. That is why it makes do difference TO what part of BY what part of the Sonship the healing is done. Every part benefits, and benefits equally. YOU are being blessed by every beneficent thought of any of your brothers anywhere. You should want to bless them in return, out of gratitude.
You do not have to know them individually, or they you. The light of joy is so strong that it radiates throughout the Sonship and returns thanks to the Father for radiating HIS joy upon it. Only God’s own holy children are worthy to be channels of his beautiful joy, because only they are beautiful enough to hold it by sharing it. It is impossible for a Child of God to love his neighbor EXCEPT as himself.
That is why the healer’s prayer is, “let me know this brother as I know myself.” ~  Jesus ACIM
Happiness is in my mind and no where else.  I am either choosing or casting it off ALL DAY LONG.  How do I know which of my thoughts are making me happy?  I must PAY ATTENTION to how I FEEL.  I like to literally watch my mind for what I am thinking and saying when the phone rings.  Now why on heaven and earth would I bother to do that???? Well...if I choose high flying thoughts...I will fly high in my mind and sense of well-being.
NOW if I am not feeling particularly happy...then it's time for some soothing and taking it easy on myself.  This is where I wrap myself in things I like to do until I am feeling better.  Once I am feeling better I ride that wave and create MORE.  I create more by paying more close attention to the words I am speaking and the way that I feel.
Jesus is talking up there about our making whole...making happy.  We have a responsibility to our one who feels good is mean or unkind.  A happy person knows there is plenty to go around....a happy person moves on but still loves....a happy person is generous in all ways....a happy person is enthusiastic....a happy person likes to hold hands....a happy person has time for a kind word....a happy person has an open mind....a happy person makes Love not war.  <3

Monday, February 2, 2015

30 Days to Happier You - GUARANTEED

The Miss Morrows and I made 30 day calendars.  Then we each made an extensive list of the things we like to do that make us feel happy.  Each day we were determined to fit as many of those things into our calendar and what the 30 days brought was a lot of fun and happiness.
I don't like to make calendars and do programs because they LARGELY don't work...but something about this felt different so we all decided to give it a whirl.
We also wrote down a few personal things that we wanted to achieve in GREAT detail...we then read it two times each day as though it were already here and done. 
Robin is amazed at how her career is THIRTY DAYS the joy and satisfaction she is experiencing at work has put a spring in her step.
I have observed Kelly take on new endeavors and I swear there is nothing she has done in the last thirty that has not sparkled.  She is like a social spring that has sprung and her level of creativity has soared...not to mention effortlessly going back to school.
Me?  Hmm lol They told me that I am laughing EVEN MORE.  Ut oh...I already often feel I am in an episode of I Love Lucy.  I have  a renewed happiness about exercising and work too.  I have a new job...our business is effortlessly growing and I can't wait to spring out of bed each day.
We just made out our new calendars...who would want to quit at this juncture???
Let us know if you would like to join us in March.  We would love to have you!!!