Sunday, April 5, 2015

SELF RESPECT - Your Gift to the World

I did not respect myself and hold myself in high esteem many times in my life.  I have always taught everyone in my life how to treat me.  If I hold the SLIGHTEST vibration of low self worth in my vibration...even the person with the most integrity will treat me as such.
WE ARE ALL EMITTING A VIBRATION.  There is no compromise in this.  When our children see us getting knocked around...we are teaching them that vibration.  Think about it...our kids pick up on our vibrations without us even saying a word.  That is how they know we are completely full of shit... if we try to hold them to a standard... we don't hold for ourselves.  Our actions and VIBES speak louder than our words.
The good news is that it is never too late to change one's vibe.  It takes FOCUS.  It takes honesty, self inquiry and the willingness to take responsibility for how people have treated you.  Yeah I said it...even the biggest losers in life know how to act right around someone who they know will not put up with their shit.  Jagged pill to swallow, but what do you want??? This is actually good news because YOU have the power to change it.  I have the power to change it ...WE have the power to change it.
Whatever it is that you are not a matched vibration to it...or you would already have it.  If you want an awesome partner in life...start imagining it in GREAT detail.  Really get comfortable with the idea.
For me...I am getting comfortable with the idea of exercising and being my MIND.  If I already matched the vibration...I would already be it!?
Every single things starts in the mind.  We are largely functioning in this world from the vibrations that we picked up from family and childhood.  For many... those are not the greatest vibrations.  Ask within what the words are that will help you practice a good vibration.  Here is the key...don't practice those higher vibration words unless you are feeling HAPPY.  When you are feeling happy...CREATE your inner world like crazy.  See yourself fulfilled...see others happy...feel your abundance.
This may sound selfish at first glance, but this is not so!  Your happiness is your gift to the world!  It effects everyone around you...lifts them up and effects their vibration.