Monday, February 2, 2015

30 Days to Happier You - GUARANTEED

The Miss Morrows and I made 30 day calendars.  Then we each made an extensive list of the things we like to do that make us feel happy.  Each day we were determined to fit as many of those things into our calendar and what the 30 days brought was a lot of fun and happiness.
I don't like to make calendars and do programs because they LARGELY don't work...but something about this felt different so we all decided to give it a whirl.
We also wrote down a few personal things that we wanted to achieve in GREAT detail...we then read it two times each day as though it were already here and done. 
Robin is amazed at how her career is THIRTY DAYS the joy and satisfaction she is experiencing at work has put a spring in her step.
I have observed Kelly take on new endeavors and I swear there is nothing she has done in the last thirty that has not sparkled.  She is like a social spring that has sprung and her level of creativity has soared...not to mention effortlessly going back to school.
Me?  Hmm lol They told me that I am laughing EVEN MORE.  Ut oh...I already often feel I am in an episode of I Love Lucy.  I have  a renewed happiness about exercising and work too.  I have a new job...our business is effortlessly growing and I can't wait to spring out of bed each day.
We just made out our new calendars...who would want to quit at this juncture???
Let us know if you would like to join us in March.  We would love to have you!!!

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